The Dragon's Curse

The Dragon's Curse - Victoria Zagar Sometimes war is inevitable. While we feel like it can be avoided, a power hungry king can make all of your efforts feel for naught. Lord Aiden and Prince Varion have been secretly meeting to see what they can do to keep the peace between Prince Varion’s Summer Kingdom and Lord Aiden’s Greenlands. However, the king of Summer Kingdom craves the power of the dragon and will stop at nothing to get it… even if it means killing his own blood.

Varion and Aiden have made a blood pact that they will do whatever it takes to keep the Dragonfolk (people said to be descendants of dragons) safe from Varion’s father, King Cendali… even if that means Varion committing treason. Varion has also made a promise to his mother that he will protect his younger brother from their father. What do you do when your brother is determined to be the apple of his father’s eye?

King Cendali grows tired of Prince Varion’s “inability” to kill Lord Aiden, who has offered asylum to Prince Varion. He has sent Prince Varion to kill Lord Aiden. If he can’t, then his brother will. Aiden and Varion have learned the secret behind the power of the Dragonfolk… the power of the Dragonfolk allows them to become a dragon at will… but at a great cost. As Aiden and Varion race to save the Dragonfolk, can they save themselves from certain death and still find a way to be together?

It was a quick story about how war can define a person and what’s important to them. Varion and Aiden are young men who have an idea of how to bring peace to the world and how everyone should love one another, with no bloodshed. While it is idealistic… unfortunately, not realistic. It was something they learned early on. Another lesson they learned… your life may not turn out how you thought it would, but your life is exactly what it should be… and if you’re lucky, you can find love in the process.